Strandgården is designed by Mangor og Nagel Arkitekter and consists of 56 exclusive flats and 3 business leases. The flats are divided into 2-5 rooms.
Strandgården has a total floorage of approx. 9,200 m², distributed between approx. 7,000 m² homes, approx. 1,900 m² business and approx. 275 m² common house. The property consists of 4-6 storeys plus a penthouse flat.
Alle flats have a floor-to-ceiling height of 2.70 metres and a balcony or terrace on at least two sides. A parking space in the basement belongs to each flat.
The property is placed in the first row to Amager Beach and has a large shared yard, raised above ground level. There is a large stairway construction from Amager Strandvej, leading up to the business premises with outdoor service on the water side and the large green areas towards the west between Strandgården and Nordtårnet. Strandgården houses Lagkagehuset and LêLê Street Kitchen, among others.
Strandgården’s maritime location is a clear inspiration in the architecture, and the architectural grip on the building ensures that the sea view is optimally exploited. Seem from above, it reminds one of a huge catamaran with two bows pointing towards Oresund.
The wings of the buildings are designed as a terraced structure, rising from the side of the sea, towards the shore. The building is thus taller at the back, and the view from there is just as impressive as in the front flats.
The location is entirely unique, with the metro placed just around the corner, which takes you in to Copenhagen city centre in just a few minutes, and one of Denmark’s best bathing beaches is just outside your front door.
Strandgården was ready in 2017 and was sold as owner-occupied flats to individual private buyers.

CITY: | Copenhagen, Amager Strand |
PROJECT TYPE: | Residential and F&B |
ARCHITECT: | Mangor and Nagel Arkitekter |
NUMBER OF M²: | 9.200 |
ERECTED AS: | Multi storey building |
Copenhagen, Amager Strand
Residential and F&B
Mangor and Nagel Arkitekter
Multi storey building