
It has become incredibly popular to cycle to work.


It has become incredibly popular to cycle to work, and everything indicates that even more people will choose the bicycle in the future as their preferred means of transport. Already now, more than half of all Copenhageners pedal away on their bikes every morning. Engholmene Business Centre is situated on one of Copenhagen’s popular Green Cycle Routes. They are connected with other Green Cycle Routes and also linked to the network of Super Cycle Paths.

A business achieves many advantages by thinking cycling conditions into both placement and facilities. An analysis from the Confederation of Danish Industries (DI) shows that good cycling conditions can be used actively when recruiting new employees. The analyses also indicates that, when an employee swaps his daily car trip or train ride with cycling, it is showing on the bottom line in the form of fewer days off sick. A calculation shows that with just 10 per cent more cycling in Denmark, the number of days off sick would fall overall, by 267,000, of which 112,000 would be workdays. At Engholmene Business Centre they can as a company offer their employees both good cycle routes to and from work and a good place to park the bicycle when you come in for work in the morning.

Engholmene Business Centre is linked to the network of Green Cycle Routes and Super Cycle Paths

Good cycle routes are vital if you have to cycle to and from work every day. For some, it is a beautiful ride that adds value, for others the possibility of arriving fast. Engholmene Business Centre is situated on one Copenhagen’s Green Cycle Routes, which is also linked to the network of Super Cycle Paths. The Green Cycle Routes in Copenhagen are an interconnected network of cycle and footpaths that run through recreational areas. It can be through parks, along lakes, waterfronts, discontinued railways, allotment societies or along playing fields. Also, they are constructed to bypass very congested road, as far as possible. If they intersect each other along the way, it will for instance be via a footbridge or a special traffic signal control. Engholmene Business Centre is situated on Havneringen (the Harbour Ring), which is part of the Green Cycle Routes. This route runs along the waterfront, but is also linked to other Green Cycle Routes all over Copenhagen. A total of 24 Green Cycle Routes are planned, which will constitute a total of approx. 115 km after completion. The first approx. 58.5 km already wind round Copenhagen’s recreational areas.

You can cycle from Frederiksund to Engholmene Business Centre Cycling to and from work can easily be more than just a couple of kilometres.

Engholmene Business Centre is centrally placed in relation to the network of Super Cycle Paths that are precisely constructed for the purpose of creating good cycling conditions on longer distances. Super Cycle Paths is a collaboration connecting 28 municipalities and the Capital Region. The purpose of which is to create a good cycling infrastructure for those who chose the bicycle to and from work – also across municipal borders. In this way it is hoped that it will be both easy and safe to choose your bike to go to work, also on stretches longer than five kilometres. The Super Cycle Paths are constructed to offer the most direct route, with as few stops as possible. The paths have a smooth surface, and there are both pumps and service stations on the way.

If it has to be attractive to choose your bike on the longer distances, it is both important that the route is suited for bikes, and that there a change and bathing facilities at the ready when you arrive at your destination. In Engholmene Business Centre, the tenants have free access to bathing and change facilities in the property’s basement. Here, there is also a possibilty of parking your racing bike in a locked space. Engholmene Business Centre, situated in Copenhagen’s new canal city, can also offer companies and their staff many other attractive shared facilities such as staff restaurants with gourmet food, café lounge and flexible meeting facilities.

Read more and see map over Green Cycle Routes: https://www.kk.dk/groennecykelruter. Og Supercykelstierne: https://supercykelstier.dk/hvad-er-en-supercykelsti/

You can also read more about how you motivate and support your employees to cycle to work: https://www.vcta.dk/for-virksomheder/